Frequently asked questions

Here you can check the frequently questions in the anonymous reporting channel of Intermezzo Programaciones Musicales

I have lost the access code to consult the status of the complaint. What can I do?

Unfortunately, and due to security reasons, only the whistleblower knows your access code and password. If you lose any of them, you will not be able to follow up on the communication. That does not mean that it will not have take its course, but just that you will not be able to see how it progresses, neither provide more information if the company requires it.

If there is an urgency, should I use this channel?

No, this channel is not prepared to manage urgencies or emergencies. Contact the authorities or emergency services in this case.

Is anonymity guaranteed in the complaint?

In the complaint process you can decide whether you inform regarding your personal data or not. If you decide not to do so, you will need to set up your own follow up through the complaint channel in order to see the progress and its resolution. The channel will offer you an username and a password to access the progress of the complaint. The channel is independent of the company and does not register the information from the IP from which it connects.